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in gift cards when you buy Unilever products with Fetch Rewards® App
Earn Up to $20 in Gift Cards* when you buy Unilever products
Buy $15 of Unilever products* Snap a photo of your receipt(s) in the Fetch Rewards® app. Earn a $5 gift card—up to 4 times for $20 in rewards.
Hand Wash
Face Care
*Offer valid 5/23/21–6/19/21. The offer will be live until 6/19/21 or until 150,000 offers have been redeemed. Limit 4 redemptions per household, equating to a maximum of 20,000 points or a $20 gift card. Offer valid in the U.S. only and open to legal U.S. residents 18 and older. Must download the Fetch Rewards® app, create a user account, and agree to Fetch Rewards® terms and conditions to participate. Limits and restrictions apply. See for full offer details, participation instructions, participating retailers, and terms and conditions.
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